Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Daily Post: Henry Denander (Sweden)

This by Henry Denander aka HankD produced little book of Greek cats is made in limited edition, as a gift to friends and colleagues. I received my copy #99 today.
There are many cats in the area where Henry lives on Hydra Island, Greece. The cats have fantastic names:  Fatso, Strontzo, Machog, Foxy, Margarita, The Moaner, Mama Gat, The Coloner, Grisse ...

1 comment:

mark strandquist said...

Hoping this finds you well! I'm sorry to do this via a comment...I didn't see any other avenue to contact you...

Wanted to see if you would have any interest in putting this call (listed below) on your's for a participatory postcard project which invites individuals to featured in an upcoming exhibit at the Art Museum of the Americas exhibit by sending postcards depicting places--mental, physical, natural landscape, metaphorical--from their past that they can no longer access, have moved beyond, or have lost. Invidividuals are prompted to depict these no longer accessible spaces in whatever medium they wish and are asked to include a memory from that place on the back of the postcard. All cards submitted will be included in the upcoming exhibition at the Art Museum of the Americas. All Participation is free, every entry will be exhibited.

If there isn't a place for the project on your website then I hope you'll still make one and mail it in!!

Be well!
Keep posting amazing work!!
Mark Strandquist


Write Home Soon, which will be exhibited at the AMA in late October invites individuals to create and send to the museum, postcards depicting places they have lost access to in their lives. The project strives to democratize ideas and actions surrounding the creation, exhibition, and consumption of art.

To participate, individuals are requested to visually depict (using photographs, collage, paint, anything), a place--mental, physical, metaphoric--that they have lost access to in their life, and on the back of the postcard, to include a memory from that space.

All participation is free, and all postcards received by 12/1/2012 will be included in the exhibit, as well as an online database.

Please mail all postcards to,

Write Home Soon, Art Museum of the Americas
1889 F St NW
Washington, DC

Along with open calls for participation many of the postcards are being created in a series of city-wide workshops (workshop/partner locations include prisons, homeless shelters, libraries, mental health clinics, studios for disabled artists, public housing developments, Arts for the Aging, Habitats for Artists, DC Arts Center, Civilian Art Projects, Space of Her Own, Books to Prisoners, Free Minds, Miriam’s Kitchen, a variety of local Universities, art centers, and independent galleries, and more).

More information can be found at,

Thanks and be well!