Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"22" The Assembling Magazine #22

 At the beginning the pages of the first assemblings were basically much more manual; we used more stamps, glues, colours, stickers. Today we have all printers, but it strucked me, that many of us are going slowly back to basic, I make more collages, Angela Behrendt´s needle-works are legendary, Friedrich Speck - at first in our magazine - is an excellent linocutter and don´t forget Cheryl Penn´s unique mixed media pages.
I guess the mix makes a good magazine.
So far so good.


With the participation of: 
Vittore Baroni Italy Angela Behrendt Germany David Dellafiora Australia Rozi Bornemisza Hungary Mikula Lüllwitz Germany Jürgen O. Olbrich Germany Cheryl Penn South Africa Frieder Speck Germany Piet Franzen Holland Ervin Zsubori Hungary Péter Kupás Hungary Marina Salmaso Danmark Horst Baur China "E" France J. F. Chapelle  France Guido Utemark Holland Csaba Pál Hungary Susanna Lakner Germany Siggi Liersch Germany Nicole Bayle France Jörg Seifert Germany Serse Luigetti Italy









Vittore Baroni

Angela Behrendt

David Dellafiora

Rozi Bornemisza

Mikula Lüllwitz

(Mikula Lüllwitz) Jürgen O. Olbrich

Cheryl Penn
(Cheryl Penn) Frieder Speck
Piet Franzen
Ervin Zsubori

Péter Kupás
Marina Salmaso
Horst Baur
("E) J.F.Chapelle
Guido Utemark
(Guido Utemark) Csaba Pál
Susanna Lakner
Siggi Liersch
Nicole Boyle
Jörg Seifert

Serse Luigetti
...and something from the Archive, the backcover of the No.8 by Michael Leigh aka A1 Waste Paper Co. Ltd. from 2003.

To be continue....


Zsubori Ervin said...

Hú, ez a "jubileumi" darab (ismét) egy nagyon sűrű, ütős és míves számnak néz ki, már messziről is. Hát még élőben milyen lehet! Örülök és büszke vagyok rá, hogy benne lehetek én is. Hajrá Susannia!

Carole Reid said...

What an amazing collection of work!

Wastedpapiers said...

Nice to find this! Happy daze!

Wastedpapiers said...

Thankyou so much for sending me a copy - much appreciated!